DAY 22 – 30DaysOfAvoToast: Taco Tuesday

What is it with all these Instragram/Twitter special day hashtags? Who created them? And is there one for every day? To answer at least the last question: Yes, there is one or more for EVERY day. Here are some examples: Monday: #MondayBlues #ManCrushMonday #MeatLessMonday Tuesday: #TransformationTuesday #TacoTuesday #TuesdayBoozeDay Wednesday: #WomenCrushWednesday #WineWednesday Thursday: #ThrowBackThursday Friday: #FlashbackFriday …

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Low-carb Tacos with Avocado and Grilled Fish

Low-carb Tacos with Avocado and Grilled Fish

If you have been looking for a healthy way of enjoying your tacos, this recipe is your ultimate option. The tacos are stuffed with heart-healthy guacamole, fresh tomatoes and omega-3-rich salmon fish. This recipe provides a healthy and satisfying way to enjoy dinner on weekends with family and friends. STEP 1 Season the grilled fish …

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