Pomegranate Guacamole – Easy, Festive, & Vegan-Friendly!

Have you been looking for the perfect avocado recipes to bring along this holiday season? This recipe is simple, tasty, and only takes five minutes to whip together! Pomegranate guacamole is a fun way to spice up the party! This recipe is filled with healthy fats that are filled with potassium, fiber, and vitamins K, …

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The Perfect Vegan Avocado Smoothie For Early Spring

Though it may not feel like it everywhere, spring is on the horizon. Depending on where you live, you might not see evidence of the tendrils of spring creeping across the land, but it’s coming! Seeds are stirring in the ground and hibernating animals are beginning to stick their noses out into the fresh air. …

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DAY 29 – 30DaysOfAvoToast: Very Vegan Summer Burger

While I love my meat and dairy I also love embracing veggies with vegan meals! Vegan foods are always easiest for the body to digest and are an easy way to have a lower-calorie meal. This vegan avocado burger is an easy and flavorful way for anyone to get in their recommended daily serving of …

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Avocado Bean Burger

Avocado Bean Burger

In recognition of Earth Day we want to especially celebrate one of Earth’s greatest gifts: the avocado. Our celebration will be done in the form of a new vegan recipe for all of our fellow AvoLovers! Vegan dishes are ones that involve ingredients that minimally impact our Earth wile still majorly impacting our cravings for …

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