Beauty Uses for Avocados

Everyone loves avocados for their taste but did you know they are good for your body, too? Because they contain antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, avocados can be used in your daily beauty routine as well.

Avocado Make-Up Remover

The oil in avocados can be used as a makeup remover. Run a cotton swab over a freshly cut avocado and then wipe the swab over your eye lid. An additional perk is that the oils contain high concentrations of Vitamins A and E so once the makeup is removed, rub gently around the eye.

Facial Benefits

The pulp of an avocado can be used as a face mask along with other natural ingredients. Mix half of a super-ripe avocado with a teaspoon of raw honey and massage on to your face. Leave on for 10 minutes and then rinse the mask off. If you are prone to blemishes, you can add in a spoonful of natural yogurt, which contains lactic acid that helps kill off bacteria.

You can also use this concoction as a facial scrub by combining the halved avocado and raw honey with about a tablespoon each of olive oil and brown sugar. Make sure you apply to damp skin so the scrub isn’t too rough on your face.

Avocado Hair Tonic

Biotin, a vitamin that promotes strong hair, is found in avocados. Nourish your hair by combining avocado and olive oil, rubbing in to the length and ends, and leave on for 20 minutes. If you do not have naturally oily roots, you can use some of the mixture there, too. For dandruff sufferers, add a small amount of lemon juice and massage the mixture in to your scalp. To tame frizzy hair, warm a little avocado oil in your hands and run through the ends of your hair.

Hands and Nails

Why not use some avocado oil for your hands and nails as well? Massage in to your hands, nails and cuticles to strengthen them. If you would like to exfoliate and moisturize at the same time, mash avocado and mix with ground oats or sugar to create a scrub. Leave on for five minutes after you apply and then wash off.

These are just a few ways that you can incorporate the beneficial nutrients of avocados in to your beauty regiment.