Avocado and Lettuce Salad

Avocado and Lettuce Salad

Red onion and capers adds a punch of flavors to this gluten free salad. It’s perfect for a weekend lunch. STEP 1 In a small bowl, mix together sugar, extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice, ground pepper and salt; stir until sugar is completely dissolved. STEP 2 In a large bowl, combine capers, onion, tomato …

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How to get rid of white flies on your avocado plants

In this video I show how to get rid of the white fly.

There are 2 ways.

The first one is to manually remove the flies and the eggs from the leaves, you can use sticky tape to help you get all of the flies and eggs.

The second one is to use the ichneumon wasp, it’s a natural predator of the white fly. It will hunt down the flies and also lays eggs into the eggs of the white flies so no new flies will hatch. You can buy them online or in a garden center.

A Brief History of the Avocado

The History of Avocado - Grow your own Avocado Tree!

The word “avocado” is believed to be derived from the Nahuatl word ahuacatl, which means “testicle” and obviously describes the shape of the fruit. It also likely refers to the fact that the  believed the avocado to be an aphrodisiac. Discovered By the Mesoamericans Avocados have long been a part of the Mexican diet. Archaeologists …

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Baby’s First Avocado

Fruit of the Womb The avocado isn’t just a wonder-food for adults; babies can benefit from eating avocados too! The best part is that avocados already arrive in baby-edible form. Soft, creamy, and perfect for spoon feeding, avocados are deemed one of nature’s “perfect foods.” Rather than feeding infants processed and refined cereals, swap in …

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Creamy Avocado Pasta

Easy to make and most unbelievably creamy avocado pasta you have ever tasted. This recipe makes a terrific dinner dish that can be whipped in just 20 minutes. STEP 1 Follow package instructions to cook pasta. STEP 2 In the meantime, blend together the remaining ingredients into a smooth sauce. STEP 3 In a large …

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Avocado and Turkey Sandwich

This is an easy to make avocado recipe perfect for dinner or lunch. STEP 1 Preheat your oven to 350°F. STEP 2 Cut baguette with a serrated knife diagonally into small slices. Spray both sides of the bread slices with extra virgin olive oil and transfer to baking sheets. Bake until golden brown, for about …

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Video: Planting Your Germinated Avocado Seed In A Pot.

When you germinate avocado seeds and they reach 3 to 4 inches in length, it is time to transplant your little avocado seed in a pot or growing container! To plant your avocado seed in a pot, we recommend using 8 to 10-inch growing container to start out with. First, fill your pot halfway up with a mixture of one part potting soil and one part peat moss. Using this mixture makes a lightweight soil that promotes aeration and allows for adequate drainage. Position the avocado seed in the pot on top of the earth so that the roots spread evenly. Take your soil mixture and fill in around the roots until your potting soil is even with the top of the seed. Gently pat the soil to firm it up around the seed, taking care not to damage the roots. Saturate the soil until water runs out of the bottom of the pot. It is essential to keep the soil moist but not soggy. Water at least 2 to 3 times a week or more when the soil is not damp to the touch. Now place your potted avocado plant in a sunny place and wait for the magic to happen!

Want to learn more about growing an avocado seed in a pot? Check out our other articles:

What NOT To Do When Growing An Avocado In a Pot

Easy Tips To Grow Your Avocado In a Pot

Avocado Tree: How To Successfully Grow Your Own In a Pot

The kickstarter campaign ended successfully!

We did it! Yesterday the kickstarter campaign ended with an amazing $68,367 as result. This is more then 10 times the money we hoped for 🙂 Thanks to all the supporters and people who help us achieving this. We will now start the production process and will keep you informed about every step of the way. …

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We achieved the 60k goal!

We did it again! The 60,000 goal is done 🙂 For the next one I was planning to give some stickers but this was not in your interest as the vote showed. So the 70k goal will be a new surprise color.

Avocado: The Paleo Fruit?

The Avocado, Back in the Day Many people will be surprised to learn how long the avocado has been with us. Scientists believe that the fruit was first seen during the Cenozoic era, which began 65 and one half million years ago. What was it seen by, exactly? Not humans, but giant sloths, mammoths and …

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