5 Typical Avocado Mistakes

Avocados provide about twenty essential nutrients, including vitamin E, fiber, folic acid, potassium and B vitamins. This fruit also acts as a “nutrient booster” by allowing your body to take in more fat-soluble nutrients, like lutein, beta-carotene and alpha, in foods that can be eaten with the avocado.
What makes avocados much liked in our diet? They are easily portable, satisfying, creamy, and packed with good-for-you-fat. We put them in just about every meal. Before you cut and scoop your next avocado, keep reading to get familiar with the commonest mistakes people make when preparing this fruit, and ensure you aren’t making them. The next time you make meals with avocado, it will be delicious.

1 . Allowing the flesh oxidize

Brown avocado is fit to be eaten; however, it certainly does not taste great. The flesh starts to oxidize the moment it is exposed to the air, so do not slice into one until just before consuming it. If you choose to prepare it beforehand, cover the flesh firmly with plastic wrap. This works as the avocado’s peel, keeping it protected from the air, therefore, stopping it from oxidizing.

2 . Using overripe avocados

In case you want accurate slices, you will need to choose an avocado that is a little underripe, or at least not too ripe. It should not be soft or mushy to the touch. The slices will hold their shape when solid. They get sticky whenever handled at the peak of ripeness. Besides giving them a delicate squeeze, you can tell if they are ripe by pulling back the stem. As long as the skin beneath appears green and healthy, it is good to go. If the stem does not separate, then it requires additional time to ripen. What if the skin is brown? You have got an over-ripe avocado to deal with.

3 . Using under-ripe avocados

Want to make a fantastic batch of avocado dip or salad? Here is where you require those ultra-ripe avocados. You can pound any avocado into submission with sufficient force; however, the perfect avocados for guacamole need to be so ripe that a delicate hand is needed when mixing.

4. Just Slicing and Serving

Avocados may not need much to shine; but even so, that does not limit you from trying out some extras. This fruit is amazing when grilled or fried. When grilling, make sure you brush the cut sides with some oil. You require thirty seconds grilling on a very hot grill. Would you like to fry your avocado? First, dip it in flour, secondly in beaten egg, then finally coat it with breadcrumbs, to add extra crunch.

5 . Settling for one-note flavor

Avocados are usually fatty and rich. That is a great thing! It is what makes them good for recipes such as dip and salad dressings. However, all that creaminess might end up being heavy if it isn’t neutralized with bright, light, and acidic ingredients.


Store this fruit at room temperature, bearing in mind that they may take four to five days to ripen. You can as well speed up the ripening process by putting them in a paper bag together with a banana or an apple. Avocados are ready to refrigerate or eat when the outside skins are purple, black or can also yield to mild pressure.